Clinical Diagnostics

Our commitment to quality, safety and efficacy are reflected in our commitment to constantly develop and improve our products and services, while providing reliable products and services that are cost-effective and meet the latest industry standards. We are proud to have established a strong track record of success in the industry, and we are committed to continuing our efforts to provide the best possible healthcare solutions.

Clinical Diagnostics

Biochemistry testing

Urine FEME testing

Bilirubin testing

Faecal Occult Blood (FOB) testing

Blood Collection and Processing

Covid19 testing

Dengue testing

Influenza testing

HPV testing

Biological Indicator for Sterilization Process

Histology Storage and Viewing

Blood Bank

Blood Collection and Processing

Blood collection and processing is the process of collecting and processing blood from a donor or patient and preparing it for use in transfusions, testing, or research. It involves a number of steps to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the collected blood, including donor screening, phlebotomy, collection, transport, storage, testing, and quality control. The process of collecting and processing blood is essential for the safe and effective use of this vital resource.

Browse our Vacuum Blood Collection System and Plasma Thawer:

Laboratory Equipment

Bench top centrifuge

PRP Low-speed Centrifuge

Vacuum Blood Collection System

HPV Self Sample

Collection Kit

Pre-printed Barcode Sticker

Thermal paper

Pipette tips


High and Low Speed Centrifuge

Laboratory instrument used to quickly and efficiently separate particles, such as cells and proteins, in a sample. High speed centrifuge uses very high rotational speeds to achieve this, typically reaching up to 20,000 g-forces, while low speed centrifuge typically reaches speeds of up to 1,000 g-forces.

Browse our wide range of high-speed centrifuges and low-speed PRP centrifuge:


Pipette Tips

High-quality pipette tips compatible with most micropipettes in the market, ranging from 0-10 μl to 100-1000 μl. Available in bulk, suitable for Eppendorf, Gilson, Socorex, Oxford, Biohit, HTL, MLA and Nichiryo single or multichannel micropipettes.

Browse our Pipette tips:

Thermal Paper

Thermal paper is a special type of paper available in various sizes, including 50mm and 52mm, and is commonly used with most analysers in laboratories.

Browse our Thermal Papers:

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Self Sample Collection Kit

HPV Self Sample Collection Kit allows individuals to collect their own samples for human papillomavirus (HPV) testing. HPV Self Sample Collection Kit allows users to collect the sample in the comfort and privacy of their own home.

Browse our HPV Self Sample Collection Kit:

Vacuum Blood Collection System

Vacuum Blood Collection Tubes are a type of medical equipment used to collect and process blood samples for laboratory testing. These tubes come with specialized caps and contain additives, such as anticoagulants or clot activators, that help preserve the blood sample prior to testing.

Browse our Vacuum Blood Collection Systems:

Patient Management

Airway Management & Anaesthesia

ESWT Pain Management

Airway Management & Anaesthesia

Airway Management & Anaesthesia

Airway management and anaesthesia refer to the practice of managing the airway and providing anaesthesia during medical procedures. This includes intubation, extubation, ventilation, and laryngeal mask insertion. Anaesthesiologists and other medical personnel are responsible for ensuring the patient’s airway is managed properly and that they are adequately supplied with oxygen during the procedure.

Browse our Video Laryngoscope:

ESWT Pain Management

ESWT Pain Management

Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT) is a non-invasive procedure used to treat chronic pain conditions and musculoskeletal injuries. It works by delivering high-energy soundwaves into the area of pain, which stimulates the body to heal naturally. ESWT has been used to treat conditions such as tendonitis, tennis elbow, plantar fasciitis, and many other chronic musculoskeletal injuries.

Browse our Shock Wave Therapy System:

Environmental Quality Equipment

Mobile Air sterilizer

UVC Purification Light

Mobile Air Sterilizer

Mobile Air Sterilizer

Mobile Air Sterilizer is a device that uses UV light or ozone to sterilize the air in a room. It can be used to kill bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms, making the air in the room cleaner and safer. It is typically used in hospitals, medical clinics, and other places where cleanliness is important.

Browse our Mobile Air Sterilizer:

UVC Purification Light

ESWT Pain Management

Browse our Shock Wave Therapy System: