Clinical Diagnostics

Our commitment to quality, safety and efficacy are reflected in our commitment to constantly develop and improve our products and services, while providing reliable products and services that are cost-effective and meet the latest industry standards. We are proud to have established a strong track record of success in the industry, and we are committed to continuing our efforts to provide the best possible healthcare solutions.

Clinical Diagnostics

Biochemistry testing

Urine FEME testing

Bilirubin testing

Faecal Occult Blood (FOB) testing

Blood Collection and Processing

Covid19 testing

Dengue testing

Influenza testing

HPV testing

Biological Indicator for Sterilization Process

Histology Storage and Viewing


Full Blood Count (FBC) testing

The full blood count (FBC) or complete blood count (CBC) is a common blood test that provide insights into various conditions and abnormalities, such as anaemia, infections, inflammation, and blood disorders. 

Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) testing

The Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) is commonly used as a screening tool to help diagnose and monitor the progression of conditions such as infections, autoimmune disorders, and certain types of arthritis. 

Browse our ESR Quality Control, ESR Reader, Manual ESR rack, and ESR vacuum tube:

Haemoglobin (Hb) testing

Haemoglobin (Hb) testing is a blood test that measures the level of haemoglobin, a protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen throughout your body. The test helps provides valuable information about the oxygen-carrying capacity of your blood, to diagnose and monitor conditions related to blood disorders, such as anaemia or polycythemia.

Browse our Hb Meter and Hb Meter Quality Control:

Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) testing

Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) testing is a blood test that measures the amount and activity of the G6PD enzyme in your red blood cells. Results will determine whether you have normal G6PD activity, indicating no deficiency, or low G6PD activity, indicating the presence of G6PD deficiency.

Browse our G6PD Reagent Kit, G6PD Quality Control and UV Box:

D-Dimer testing

The d-dimer test is a blood test that measures the level of d-dimer in the blood to help diagnose and rule out the presence of blood clotting disorders such as deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE). The d-dimer test is particularly useful when a doctor suspects the presence of a severe blood clot, especially in the lung or deep within a vein of the leg or pelvis.

Browse our D-Dimer Reagent Kit and D-Dimer (POCT) kit:

Faecal Occult Blood (FOB) testing

The FOB test can detect very small amounts of blood in the stool that are not visible to the naked eye. It is commonly used for the early detection and screening of colorectal cancer. By identifying blood in the stool, the FOB test can indicate potential bleeding in the digestive tract.

Browse our FOB Quality Control:


Faecal Occult Blood (FOB) testing

Faecal Occult Blood (FOB) test is used to detect small amounts of blood in your stool which may not be visible to the naked eye. They are used to diagnose certain conditions, such as colorectal cancer, and can help to identify potential problems in the digestive tract.

Browse our FOB Quality Control:

Bilirubin Testing

Bilirubin testing is a diagnostic procedure that measures the level of the bilirubin pigment in a person’s blood. High levels of bilirubin can indicate liver problems, such as liver disease, and can help diagnose certain inherited conditions, such as Gilbert’s syndrome. The test is typically performed as part of a complete blood count (CBC) test.

Browse our MAS Bilirubin Quality Control and Bilirubinometer:

Urine FEME testing

Urine FEME testing is a non-invasive and relatively simple procedure that can provide important insights into a patient’s urinary health. The results of this test can aid in the diagnosis and management of urinary tract-related diseases and guide further investigations if necessary.

Browse our MAS UA Quality Control:

Biochemistry testing

Biochemistry testing involves the qualitative and quantitative analysis of various substances, including substrates, enzymes, hormones, and more. Overall, biochemistry testing plays a vital role in understanding the chemical processes in living organisms, identifying microbial species, and aiding in medical diagnostics and research.

Browse our MAS Biochemistry Quality Control:

Blood Bank

Blood Collection and Processing

Blood collection and processing is the process of collecting and processing blood from a donor or patient and preparing it for use in transfusions, testing, or research. It involves a number of steps to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the collected blood, including donor screening, phlebotomy, collection, transport, storage, testing, and quality control. The process of collecting and processing blood is essential for the safe and effective use of this vital resource.

Browse our Vacuum Blood Collection System and Plasma Thawer:


Covid19 testing

A Covid19 rapid test kit is a diagnostic test designed to quickly detect the presence of the coronavirus in a person’s sample, by detecting antibodies that are created by the body when it fights the virus. Results can be obtained within 15 minutes and are generally considered accurate.

Browse our Covid19 Rapid Test Kits:

Dengue testing

Dengue Rapid test kit testing is a diagnostic procedure to check for the presence of dengue virus antibodies in a patient’s blood sample. The test uses an immunochromatographic strip to detect the presence of particular antibodies that are associated with the dengue virus. Results indicate whether or not the patient has been infected with the dengue virus.

Browse our Dengue Rapid Test Kit:

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) testing

HIV Rapid Test Kits (RTK) provide quick and accurate results, detecting HIV markers in patient blood samples. These kits are essential in global efforts against HIV, reaching remote areas with limited access to healthcare. RTKs ensure early detection, timely intervention, and improved patient outcomes.

Browse our HIV Rapid Test Kit:

Hepatitis B Testing

HBsAg Rapid Test Kits (RTK) use specific antibodies to detect the hepatitis B virus in patient blood samples. These kits are highly sensitive and provide quick and accurate results within minutes, making them essential tools in the diagnosis and management of hepatitis B infections.

Browse our Hepatitis B Rapid Test Kit:

H. Pylori Testing

H.pylori Rapid Test Kits (RTK) detect the presence of H.pylori bacteria in patient samples. These kits provide quick and reliable results, enabling healthcare professionals to diagnose and manage H.pylori infections promptly, reducing the risk of associated complications and improving patient outcomes.

Browse our H. pylori Rapid Test Kit:

Influenza Testing

An influenza A and B rapid test kit is intended for in-vitro diagnostic use only and provides a rapid, qualitative detection of influenza A and B antigens. Results of the test are usually available within 15 minutes, making it a quick and easy way to diagnose influenza infection.

Browse our Dengue Rapid Test Kit:

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) testing

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) testing is a laboratory test used to detect the presence of the human papillomavirus (HPV) in a sample of cells taken from the cervix. It is used to screen for cervical cancer, precancerous changes, and monitor HPV-related diseases.

Browse our HPV Self Sample Collection Kit:

Biological Indicator for Sterilization Process

Biological indicators are used to test the effectiveness of a sterilization process. This is done by inoculating the indicator microorganism onto a growth medium, then exposing the indicator to the same sterilization conditions as the items to be sterilized. The medium is then incubated and the growth of the indicator microorganism indicates whether the process has actually achieved the desired sterility assurance level.

Browse our Biological Indicator kit:


Histology storage and viewing

Histology storage and viewing is the process of preserving and examining tissue samples for microscopic research. This is typically done in a specialized laboratory setting with the aid of microslide cabinets for storage and a blood cell counter for viewing and analysis. This process is used to study the tissues of an organism, aiding in research and diagnosis.

Browse our Microslide Cabinet and Digital Cell Blood Counter:

Point of Care

Point of care (POCT) testing

Point of care (POCT) testing is a form of medical testing which is carried out at the point of care, usually by a healthcare worker, to provide immediate patient results. Common POCT tests include CRP (C-reactive protein) to detect inflammation, D-dimer to test for blood clots, HbA1c to measure blood sugar levels, and PCT (Procalcitonin) to measure infection severity.

Browse our POCT Analyzer and reagent kits: